We are looking for sponsors for children at Hogar Miguel Magone and in the village of Aguacate. If you are interested in sponsoring a child, contact me at epkuhn@gmail.com.
Ian Ixpata (Age 7, 1st grade) Jeremy Ixpata (Age 10, 4th grade)
Nataly Sanic (Age 6, Kinder) Alexander Maldonado (Age 9, Grade 3)
Aguilar Family (Jeimy- Age 11, Jaime- Age 10, Fabiola- Age 6, Katherin- Age 4, Paula- Age 2)
Diego Hernández (Age 14, Grade 6) Maria Lupita Hernández (Age 12, Grade 4)
Maryori Boche (Age 13, Grade 3) Lidia Soc (Age 9, Grade 2)
Beatriz López (Age 7, Grade 1)