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Doing Small Things With Great Love

Writer's picture: koddenkodden

I had time to myself today to sit on the rooftop of the Hotel Candelaria and reflect on the past couple of days of my life. I had time to think about all of the beautiful children at Hogar Miguel Magone and the extraordinary directors there, Karen and Estuardo, the people in the village that I have had the opportunity to serve, the other amazing people who have come here to serve with me, and about my incredible daughter and my chance to see her in a way I have never seen her before.

I knew when Olivia and I came to Guatemala, we were not going to change the world. We were not going to be able to markedly change the lives of everyone we met. But I kept coming back to one of my favorite quotes (by Mother Teresa I believe), "Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love." I feel that is what all of us this mission trip have been doing here. I have seen it in every person I have had the privilege of spending time with this week. I have seen it in Michael's singing and guitar playing, I have seen it in Grace sawing a piece of wood to use in building a frame, I have seen it in Karina's amazing team leadership, I have seen it in Joe showing the children how to clean a table in the wax-on, wax-off method, I have seen it in Michelle's photography, I have seen it in Olivia's digging a post hole, I have seen it in Liesel's dedication to sing and dance on stage despite her injury, I have felt it when playing checkers with Carlos, I have seen it in all of the crafts made and all of the games played, and I have seen it in the endless smiles and hugs for the children at Hogar Miguel Magone. We are doing small things, but they are most certainly done with great love.

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