After an adventurous ride up the mountain, around hairpin turns, and Y turns in the middle of the highway with our fearless "Chicken Bus" driver Freddy, we made our way to Hogars.
I had the privilege being on Leisel's team making a concrete floor in the village. Elma the Grandmother in the house was so thankful for their new floor. When we hugged, I could feel her crying with joy. We both ended the hug with tears rolling down our faces. The "Three Amigos Team --by the grace of God-- finished a 10 inch concrete floor in the bottom of a hand dug 8 foot diameter and 15 foot deep hole at Hogar's . With a lot of planning, and the help of a large group of adults and kids they managed to roll a huge heavy septic tank through a big hole in the fence and down a steep bank, into the hole, and exactly right onto the concrete floor.
My favorite time of the day was the Vacation Bible School for the children of Hogars and the village. Their enthusiasm showed in the songs, their delight to a live on-stage bible story and a paint project that turned fingers, faces and hair into rainbows (unintentionally), and painted pictures of the bible story (intentional) Luke 5 1-11 including lots of boats, fishing nest, and hearts. But, best of all are the hugs, smiles and laughs with all the children. They are a blessing in our lives. Thanks be to God.
Marlys Nettesheim