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7/8/17: Goodbyes

Updated: Apr 30, 2018

On this mission trip alone, I have had many firsts and have had many unique experiences. The long hours of pulling weeds, creating stoves and making cement floors sometimes made it hard to pick yourself up and finish the job. Although all of these things were challenging, the hardest part of all was saying goodbye to the children at the end of the week.

After a mission trip many people say that they had been changed by the work that they had done, and don’t really mean it, but for me this trip has shown me many things but above all how to be a better person. From the first day at Hogar’s when Karen gave her speech about why she started the orphanage, to watching the many tearful goodbyes of the last day. These things have really shown me how much true genuine relationships can make a person great. Just by watching how the kids from the orphanage and the village interact with their siblings, elders and us, it showed how kind these kids are, and how much of an impact Karen and the orphanage has had on them.

Even though today it was hard to say all of the goodbyes, they were not goodbyes forever they were simply see you next times. I am very glad that I had the opportunity to come on this mission trip and it has been honestly one of the best weeks of my life.

-jordy rothwell

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